Terrell ISD

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Identity Theft

We think your identity is worth protecting.

Information is moving faster than ever, and life has never flowed more quickly or been shared so broadly. We all conduct more and more of our personal business, like banking and shopping, on our computers and mobile devices. While the convenience is great, it also creates a greater risk for our personal information to be compromised.


We have partnered with LifeLock so you can start safeguarding your finances, credit and good name.  LifeLock®identity theft protection helps safeguard against identity fraud by monitoring millions of transactions a second, and providing services that remediation-only or free credit monitoring services don’t offer. 


Watch a quick video on LifeLock inaction: click here.


Identity theft can impact:

  • Your finances
  • Your employment records
  • An unwarranted criminal history
  • Home owners and auto insurance rates
  • Your ability to quality for a loan

And much more!

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